A followup...
Not long ago, I had a post about the upcoming vampire musical, LESTAT (with music by Elton John and lyrics by Bernie Taupin.) In the post, I worried that it might suck.
My worries were completely justified. It was a total Broadway train wreck.
Here are some sample review quotes...
"A promising new contender has arrived in a crowded pharmaceutical field. Joining the ranks of Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata and other prescription lullaby drugs is "Lestat," the musical sleeping pill that opened last
night at the Palace Theater." Ben Brantley, The New York Times.
"What is very clear by the end—it probably took a few centuries, and certainly feels like it—is that vampires have very difficult and unhappy lives. You really don't want to be one. Especially if it involved music as loud and boring as poor old Lestat has to plow his way through. It's not a life fit for a dog, let alone a bat." Clive Barnes, The New York Post.
"Despite those Rice credentials, the homoerotic/Oedipal potential and a score by the still-golden duo of Elton John and Bernie Taupin, the show is dim, dumb and dreary. Considering that this is the Broadway debut for Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures, the biggest shocker is how cheap it all looks." Linda Winer, Newsday
God bless critics.