Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Wonder Showzen

This show is damn funny. DAMN FUNNY!!

It's on MTV2. It's rather rude, and if South Park bothers you, definitely don't watch this show. But, I find it incredibly funny. It's a rude, offensive, and sometimes vulgar show that's made to look like a cheap children's show (a la Sesame Street). There are puppets, and cartoons, and actual kids saying wildly inappropriate things... and there's a cartoon where a girl's first period takes her on a tour of her own vagina.


Check it out if you can. It's second season is playing now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea, i saw the cartoon with our friend, the period....it was very informative for me

1:36 AM  
Blogger Casey said...

I have not seen it. Damn the road! TiVo a few so I can see it when I get home!

8:38 AM  
Blogger Cody Daigle said...

We bout the first season DVD. Can't wait to watch it.

and Gina... I hope your vagina isn't as densely populated as the one in the cartoon.

3:09 PM  

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