Sunday, April 09, 2006

See What I Wanna See

So, I'm a huge musical theatre fanatic. And one of the musical theatre's younger composers (even though he's now in his 40s, I think. ) had a new cast recording released recently. Michael John LaChuisa's SEE WHAT I WANNA SEE.

The musical is actually three smaller pieces, all revolving around the flexibility and unreliability of the truth. As is standard with one of his shows, the music is dark, the lyrics are poetic (sometimes to the point of being absurd) and the piece as a whole doesn't really land any significant emotional moments.

But I'm a fan of the postmodern musical, so I enjoyed it. For those folks who love Idina Menzel, she's a major performer on the disc. Also, if you're more a musical theatre freak, Mary Testa is also terrific in it.

I was a little sorry the original production of this show wasn't recorded. Idina Menzel's role was originally performed by Audra McDonald. And when you listen to it, you can just imagine how fantastic she must have sounded in the role.


Blogger Casey said...

I love Idina! The fact that she is doing a role that Audra did is kinda funny. They have two totally different voices. Hmmm...

So, did you like Idina. Or did you hate her like you hate her in everything else that she does?

3:20 PM  
Blogger Cody Daigle said...

I didn't hate her...

...but I did want Audra McDonald to burst through the recording studio door, all wet from the torrential rain outside, grab the headset right off Idina's head, slap her hard (like a pimp does his ho) and record the show.

You should get the recording, though. Idina does sound good in the second of the one-acts.

And I don't hate her. I hate the shows she's in.

3:54 PM  

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