Sunday, April 16, 2006

An Easter 229...

My grandmother, God love her, is a terrific woman.

But today, she was wearing her shirt inside out for most of Easter.

That's a 229.

And Jesus rose from the dead for that?

(Grandma if you read this, I love you. :) )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha DAMN!! that means she escaped AGAIN!! omgggggggg what am i gonna do with her? lol and if u are reading this maw maw i love you and im surprised you know how to get on here! <33333333

9:20 PM  
Blogger Casey said...

HAHA! Kerri, that's awesome. Yah, she'd never be able to find this ... but if she does, we are all in serious trouble.

See Cody, this is when you need a digital camera so you had a pic of Thelma trying to be like Kris-Kross.

Most of her wardrobe makes me Jump,Jump!

10:25 PM  

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