Sunday, April 16, 2006

Fat Revelation

So as you may know, I am trying to lose weight. And I have had a very successful week. I'm following the Weight Watchers Points thing, and it's been a piece of cake (without actually eating one!).

Last night, I went to a show with my friend Cara, and afterwards, we went to Chili's. Now I've been saving my weekly points allowance for a moment just like this one, so I said, "To hell with it. I get to splurge a little." So I had what I usually get a Chili's -- their delicious BBQ Ranch Burger with fries.

I get home, and look up the points and such for this delicious meal... and I thought I was going to throw up. The burger alone contained 1112 calories and 31 grams of fat.... THIRTY ONE! Jesus. I was horrified. In total, the burger and fries were 34 points -- more than I am allowed in a single day!

I had a fat revelation. It was disgusting what I was actually consuming on a daily basis.

Bye bye Chili's burgers. And fries. And everything else that's atrocious. It was fun while it lasted.


Blogger Casey said...

Oh, look at you being all healthy and shit! I'm so proud!

So, what are you doing for exercise? Changing the diet will only get you so far!!

So, lose the weight, and then we'll go shopping for new clothes and then we'll go out to the bar! Fun times!

10:23 PM  

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