Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hey kid, want some candy...?

I'm craving Easter candy. Seriously. One of my favorite things about Easter (other than ressurrection of the Lord who gave his life to forgive our sins) is Cadbury Eggs.

Now I like the standard fare Cadbury Egg a lot. Even though it's tres tres rich. But ever since they came out with the Caramel Egg and the Chocolate Creme Egg, I'm a serious devotee of that Cadbury Bunny.

But now that I'm trying to drop the pounds, I have to turn away from the Eggs I love so much.

Damn chocolate for being so tasty! Damn Cadbury for making such deliciousness! And Damn Jesus for coming back from the dead and causing all this celebration to begin with!


Blogger Casey said...

As a skinny bitch, here is a weight loss tip I've heard. If you have a craving - give into it. You can have a Cadbury egg or two ... just not a whole dozen! That way the craving is gone, and you aren't likely to go nuts and eat them all.

I hate the regular ones. Although Taunt Beckie ALWAYS gives them to me at Easter. But, the chocolate ones are good!

I am glad to see that you are sticking to the weight loss thing. I'll totally come over and cook healthy stuff. :)

5:31 PM  
Blogger Cody Daigle said...

I've given in to the small Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs already, but just one, and you're right. it goes away and i'm off to more fun.

I always eat the ones she gives you!!

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok well SORRY casey since u dont like what my lovely mother buys for YOUR greedy butt, ahh i guess i shall tell her to get u NOTHING bc u are ungrateful but whateverrrrr yea and cody i agree i love those eggs..they are like my fave!

12:12 PM  
Blogger christopher john said...

I think that you should just go ahead an give casey's egg to cody, since that's the way it happens anyway. . . and yeah, giving in is good somtimes.

6:24 AM  

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