Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I've been thinking about changes recently. Only because a lot of them are going on in my life right now.

This recent bout of thinking about changes was brought on Friday. I told all of my classes that I wasn't returning next year to teach at Arts Academy. Because my plan (internet announcement I guess) is to make that move to New York and pursue playwrighting in a proper way (time table for that big move is currently under investigation.)

The kids were sort of surprised, and a few of them looked clearly disappointed and sad about it. And in each class, I had this moment where I just wanted to say, 'Ha ha! Just kidding. I take it back. No big change in life gonna happen here. Because I just felt the bottom drop out of my stomach, so no way sir. Not gonna do this FOR REAL!"

Because the second I said I wasnt' coming back, I could feel the pressure of everything that was coming after it rush at me. It's one thing to say you're gonna do something --- it's another thing to do it. And moving forward, leaving somethign behind, something you really enjoyed doing... is hard.

But move forward, I will.

I think change is hard so when we do it, we are always aware of the magnitude of what we're doing. So we don't make these kinds of life changes lightly.

Blah. Enough pseudo-philosophical blather. On with the day.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mysterious Requester

Alright, mysterious requester. Two comments to posts without a name. Just a moniker.


And he's requested some more shots of my mug.

Alright. But you better come clean soon, mysterious requester. Here's me with the cheeriest face I can muster:

And this'll be me if you don't let me know who the hell you are:

Just kidding. Sort of.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I know, I know...

I don't update this enough. I should be better about it.

But, some more exciting news.

The company that did the reading of "Providence" in New York has decided to produce it! Yeah, that's right. Memorized by actors for a real live audience with a director and a set and everything lol. Like real live theatre!

It's gonna be fun to see it. It opens the last week of February 2008! So, the countdown begins...

and in case anyone is interested to see how this news makes me feel...