Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Do you take this woman and this woman and this woman...?

If you haven't gotten a chance to catch HBO's new series BIG LOVE, then you should rush to your TiVo and add it to your Season Pass Manager, or stay home next Sunday and watch it.

BIG LOVE is a terrific new series about the Hendricksons -- a polygamist family living in the suburbs. Husband Bill and wife Barb and wife Nikki and wife Margene and assorted kids all live together in three houses with an adjoining backyard, and they have all the dramas of regular families... times 3.

Just when you thought the quirky hour-long drama would disappear after Six Feet Under called it quits, here comes this excellent series. Really well-written and directed, and filled with a cast of unexpected but always spot-on actors: Bill Paxton, Chloe Sevigny, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Harry Dean Stanton, Bruce Dern -- the list goes on and on. Even the smaller roles are unexpectedly cast. Melora Walters (the drug addict girl in Magnolia), the dumb one from Mean Girls who predicts rain with her boobs, and other otherwise underused actors pop up episode to episode. It's clever, funny, even-handed, and really engrossing. I was hooked from the pilot.

BIG LOVE has filled in the "juicy yet quirky soap opera drama with a tinge of mystery that actually works" gap left by a disappointing second season of Desperate Housewives.

Watch it. It's worth it.

...and as a side note, HBO is running the entire series of Six Feet Under on HBO2... they're just getting to season 3. A new episode every weekday. It's a great way to re-experience a truly wonderful series. I miss you, SixFeet Under!


Blogger Casey said...

It sucks being on the road, because there is never enough time to watch all the TV shows I want to.

And Sundays are reserved for Housewives and Grey's Anatomy!

7:25 PM  

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