Funny.And who says you can't make art out of anything? These two Asian dancers are clearly exploring the modern dance possibilities of the foot fetish.
HomeSo, I don't know if it's been a lazy thing, or a subconscious thing, or what, but I have been neglecting to unpack things in my new apartment -- specifically in my office (which is the room I use the most). Boxes of books remained unopened, and I haven't really set up my workspaces yet.But Sunday, I started to unpack stuff. My theatre books are now up on shelves next to my desk, and my keyboard is all plugged in and ready to start making some songs. The cast albums are all alphabetized in their rack. All that's left are the non-theatre books -- but I have to get my bigger bookcase for that.I like that moment when a new space stops feeling like a space you're invading and it starts feeling like a space that's yours. And check out this girl in the picture... why is it that any time there's a picture of someone unpacking boxes in a new place, they have to eat Chinese takeout?
Make Someone Happy...I know. I know. I've been really lazy about updating my blog. But a lot has been going on since the end of summer.I moved into a new apartment. School started, and I have a killer schedule. And every so often, I like to sleep a little, so you have to give a guy a break for not being better about his blog.But I just wanted to put something out there for anyone who still checks in...I'm one of those people who wants everyone around him to be happy. I don't like making someone unhappy or disappointing someone or hurting someone. But I'm in a situation in my life right now where I seem to, with everything I do, make someone I care about feel like crap.It sucks. I wish big life changes were a little less messy.