Saturday, September 09, 2006

Make Someone Happy...

I know. I know. I've been really lazy about updating my blog. But a lot has been going on since the end of summer.

I moved into a new apartment. School started, and I have a killer schedule. And every so often, I like to sleep a little, so you have to give a guy a break for not being better about his blog.

But I just wanted to put something out there for anyone who still checks in...

I'm one of those people who wants everyone around him to be happy. I don't like making someone unhappy or disappointing someone or hurting someone. But I'm in a situation in my life right now where I seem to, with everything I do, make someone I care about feel like crap.

It sucks.

I wish big life changes were a little less messy.


Blogger Casey said...

Well, I was wondering when you were going to blog again ... but I figured you were busy with SOMETHING! You always are.

Anyway, try making yourself happy for a change! Sometimes, making you happy will hurt others. It happens. You need to make sure you are happy first, then others will follow suit!

Oh, and have you guys picked a musical yet??? ;)

See ya soon! We need to have drinks at your new place! I'll bring wine!

8:11 AM  
Blogger christopher john said...

That girl in the photo needs to get rid of that tan line! Ewww! Oh, and be happy! ;)

10:37 AM  

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