Friday, June 30, 2006

America's Got Talent!

Last night, I caught an episode of the new show AMERICA'S GOT TALENT. Which I'm figuring is supposed to be ironic. Because America clearly doesn't have talent -- just an unhealthy willingness to embarass itself on television.

From the stripping Snow White, to the guy who balanced an oven on his jaw, to an 11 year old white girl channelling Jennifer Holliday, the show was a smorgasbord of entertainment. The judges -- a snippy British guy named Piers, Brandy, and David Hasselhoff -- added the appropropriate veneer of B-level celebrity.

The show is funny, but sort of disturbing. Some schmuck is gonna win a million dollars for being a freak show -- and incur a little minor celebrity for it. Which I think is fucked up. But that's America, right? Sadly, yes.

But you should watch. Leonid the Magnificent -- a gay Russian dressed as an S&M angel with glitter eye makeup who balances swords and does fabulous drag hand moves -- advanced to the next level. So, check him out. he's worth the hour you'll invest in the show.

The pic is The Dancing Cow from another episode.

Yeah. America's Got Talent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched it and I wrote a blog about it myself on myspace. My blog entry was something to the effect of: If some "professional finger snapper" wins $1 million because the ability to snap his fingers really fast and to the beat of music is the most amazing talent in all of America...well I just don't know what...but it'll be something!

6:05 PM  

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