Wednesday, June 28, 2006

"Christina... bring me the axe!"

Had a lovely early afternoon. Shane and I recently bought "Mommie Dearest" on DVD, and with some spare time today, I sat down on the couch with a yogurt and watched it again.

I think "Mommie Dearest" is one of my all-time favorite movies. Mostly for Faye Dunaway's incredible performance as Joan Crawford -- so blissfully over the top, but completely believeable at the same time. And she knocks a couple of totally whacko moments clear out of the park. (No wire hangers.... EVER!)

But the real delight of the DVD was the commentary track by John Waters, which is one of the better commentary tracks I've watched on a DVD. It's such a respectful and loving commentary that is also wickedly funny (my favorite is his observation that it would have been funny if they could have gotten the infant to shriek in terror when it first saw Joan). Plus, it was very fun to see in the featurette that Diana Scarwid (who plays grown-up Christina) evolved into a woman who looks seriously Botoxed.

Fun movie for a rainy day.


Blogger christopher john said...

Christopher!. . . .Christina!. . . .Damn it!

12:59 PM  

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