Monday, June 26, 2006

Back from Dallas

Had a terrific trip to Dallas.

First off, two of our students placed fourth in the nation in Duo Interp (out of 214 schools. yeah for them!) They're the first national finalists ever from our school, and the first finalists in that event in Louisiana ever. So we were really proud.

And I had dinner and coffee with Brian. It was a nice evening. I was a little concerned it might be awkward, but it wasn't. We had a great time catching up, and it felt like old times. And he is still cute.

I love how really good friendships can withstand a lot of time apart. We hadn't talked in over two years, but we could pick right back up where we left off without much trouble. Friends like those are hard to come by, but wonderful to rediscover.

Oh, and I now totally shaved my head. I look meaner and butcher than ever. lol


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