Friday, June 16, 2006

Week Away!

I'm spending the next week in Dallas. We're going to a national speech tournament there.

It'll be very fun because I get to see my best friend from college, Brian. I was attatched at the hip to that boy all through college (he and I acted together in the very first musical I ever did -- The Fantasticks -- and I still have a picture from the show of the two of us in our big number hanging on my office wall.)

I haven't seen or spoken with him in over two years! So, it's gonna be really nice to see him again.

I hope he's still cute. :)


Blogger christopher john said...

I hope you have fun in dallas! Say hello to George Bush Sr. for me! ;)

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello You!
Long time no see.
Was home visiting and ran into Gina who gave me your blog address. You're the most fab ever!

Tell your brother that I went on a date with a guy that did all the fancy camera work for Akeelah and the Bee...the date was to the private screening at Arclight cinema on Sunset Blvd...where I met Angela Bassett and Keke. I saw his blog about seeing the movie. It was a fantastic movie...and AWESOME meeting the stars, dahling. Wish I had known he was performing in the area...


7:45 PM  
Blogger Courtneay said...

Hello Stranger! I feel like I've looked all over the world for you..It's Courtneay Sanders...Remember ULL...The 'Taft/Bales' years? Anyway, I found your brother on myspace and when I went onto his site, I looked for you, but alas, you were not there, so I looked here and there you are! Yeah!! I think of you often and I'd love to talk! My email address is me know how you are. I've really missed you! :) (~ps, have fun in Dallas!)

11:16 PM  

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