Monday, May 29, 2006

Thin Clothes

I'm not really sure if it's the fault of the people who make clothes or it's the fault of the people with low self images because they're fat....

but thin clothes are better than fat clothes.

Now, I'm not exactly in thin clothes just yet. But I've reduced my large ass to sizes found at any department store, and my selection of clothes is so much nicer. I bought some terrific shirts tonight that I'd never see in the fat sizes!

Or maybe I'm more confident to wear cooler shit. I dunno. But I bought some prints only my brother would purchase... and they don't look half bad!

Now, it's on to the working out. I want a better midsection. (I can't believe I'm actually thinking that.)


Blogger Casey said...

Well well, look who's becoming the big queer NOW!

Can't wait to get home and see the new - gayer - you!

10:25 AM  
Blogger equippedtofascinate said...

Thin clothes suck. I always wish I wore a size or two bigger since no one carries my sizes and then I get pissed when I find something I like, only to realize they don't have it in my size.

7:46 PM  

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