Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Big 3-Oh!

So, today is my 30th birthday.

Truth is, I still feel as emotionally mature and sure of where I'm going as I did when I turned 20.

Is that normal?

So, according to astrology (which isn't necessarily something I believe in) your 29th year is an important year. It takes 29 years for the planet Saturn to make a complete trip around the sun, so every 29 years Saturn passes the place it was in at the time of your birth. And Saturn is supposed to have some wicked kind of power over you...

... so the story goes that your 29th year is a period of reassessment. In your 29th year, you're supposed to look at your life and make all the necessary changes and adjustments, so when Saturn comes around, he won't be pissed off. If you make those changes, your next 29 years will be filled with prosperity and success. If you ignore your errors, the years will be horrible.

Well. The 29th year is over. And I like to think I'm the best person I can be as I kick off the next 29.

Here's to you, Saturn. The first 29 were great fun. But onwards and upwards, right? See you in another 29!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, My Friend!

4:39 PM  
Blogger Casey said...

Hmm, i still have a few more years to put my life in order! UGH!

4:41 PM  

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