Thursday, May 04, 2006

Fat Update

So, things have been going very well in the war against fat. To date, I've lost 12 pounds! Yeah! I bought a pair of pants one size smaller than I was wearing when I started just to see if I could fit into them (I will withold the number of that size because I'm not CRAZY) -- and they fit beautifully! Down a pants size! Yeah!

And even better... I feel a whole lot better. I even walk the dog every other day.

The big surprise has been how easy its been to adjust my food behaviors. I've tried this whole losing weight thing in the past, and it's been terrible. "I hate the way things taste." "Healthy food is gross." Blah Blah BLAH.

But I guess when you really want to do something, you find a way to do it.

And for my brother and parents, here's a shocker... I've not had milk in a week. Seriously. Not cow milk anyway. I switched to soy. Wild, huh?


Blogger Casey said...

You CAN have milk, ya know. Just drink skim milk or something. How is soy milk anyway?

Well, I am WAY happy for you. Once I get back, I'll totally be working out and junk, and might even look into joining a gym. Interested?

10:34 PM  
Blogger Cody Daigle said...

Soy mils actually tastes better than skim milk. It's kinda wierd cause it's a different color than milk, but whatever.

I lets see how much i weight when you get back before i agree to do a gym. lol

4:49 AM  

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