Thursday, May 04, 2006


The TiVo at our house has been burning up episodes of the Animal Planet show "The Dog Whisperer." Typically, this is something Shane watches, because I don't usually get into all those animal shows. But I made the mistake the other day of watching a bit of an episode and now...

I'm in love with Cesar Milan.

Just kidding. But the show is pretty fun. Watching him train the dogs is pretty terrific because they're completely compliant every time.

But my favorite thing is the way Cesar relates to the owners. He begins by letting them explain how awful the dog is and how terrible its behavior is. Then he explains to them how the dog is actually completely fine and THEY'RE the terrible owners. Always fun. The owners get all guilt-ridden and everything. Then Cesar takes two seconds to adjust the dog's behavior and makes them look like complete idiots on top of feeling guilty.

Rock on Cesar!


Blogger Casey said...

I wonder if he works on boyfriends?

10:35 PM  
Blogger Cody Daigle said...

That's a terrific idea. We need "The Boyfriend Whisperer."

4:46 AM  

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