Friday, June 02, 2006

The Tonys are Coming! The Tonys are Coming!

This Sunday is the Tony Awards. Yeah!

I love watching the Tonys for several reasons. One, it's great to watch the production numbers from the shows I probably won't get to see. I'm looking forward to the numbers from all the Tony-nominated musicals (which are The Drowsy Chaperone, Jersey Boys, The Color Purple, and The Wedding Singer... I'm rooting for Color Purple, of course!) And I look forward to the awkward and unsuccessful way they decide to present the Tony-nominated plays (The History Boys, Shining City, Rabbit Hole, and The Lueitenant of Inishmore... I'm pulling for The History Boys -- terrific script!)

I also love watching the Tony Awards because of the acceptance speeches -- watching theatre types deliver alternately touching, pretentious, shallow, lovely speeches delights me. And some fag always freaks out (George C. Wolfe screaming "Love you marissa!" was priceless the year he won for Angels in America!) And it's the only time you get to see gay folks kiss on live TV.

Lastly, I always get so inspired by the Tonys. In college, we'd all gather at someone's apartment (usually Brian's) and we'd watch the broadcast, cheer for the winners we liked, boo the ones we disagreed with, critique the production numbers, and then talk for hours after about how we're going to accept our Tony Award. Fun times. I always feel 20 all over again when I watch the Tonys.

So watch 'em on Sunday!


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