Monday, August 07, 2006

What I've Been Up To This Summer

So somewhere along the line someone stupidly gave me a job influencing the lives of impressionable high school students.

This is what my students and I have been up to this summer. Nothing makes me prouder than seeing my students create and execute opportunities for themselves. yeah, students!

Here's the article about their summer repertory project:

read article here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Babe,

Thanks for the post. However, you need to correct the artice's link. It currently does not work because there is an extra "http://" at the beginning. Glad to know your life is HAPPY :) Tell Shane Beth says, "Howdy!"

7:39 PM  
Blogger Casey said...

Look at you, always hogging up the entertainment section of the newspaper! HAHA!

Maybe I'll be in it when we play Lafayette! Can you hook me up with an interview?

9:05 AM  

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