Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Independence Day!

So, it's July 4th -- Independence Day... and my mom's birthday. Happy birthday, Mom!

I think I'll go contemplate freedom for a while.

Okay. That's done.

And speaking of independence... Has anyone else been fascinated by the saga of The View? Star Jones has left the show rather unceremoniously, being erased from the credits and making Barbara Walters hate her.

I didn't watch the show too much in the last few years, so when exactly did Star Jones become a total twat? I'm a little afraid now... Star Jones was fat and fun, then she lost a lot of weight and became a total biatch. Will that happen to me? Has it already happened to me?

Fuck it. I'm cuter. S'all that matters. :)

And I thought this picture was amusing... I think Star Jones was about to eat that kid.


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