Monday, September 11, 2006


So, I don't know if it's been a lazy thing, or a subconscious thing, or what, but I have been neglecting to unpack things in my new apartment -- specifically in my office (which is the room I use the most). Boxes of books remained unopened, and I haven't really set up my workspaces yet.

But Sunday, I started to unpack stuff. My theatre books are now up on shelves next to my desk, and my keyboard is all plugged in and ready to start making some songs. The cast albums are all alphabetized in their rack. All that's left are the non-theatre books -- but I have to get my bigger bookcase for that.

I like that moment when a new space stops feeling like a space you're invading and it starts feeling like a space that's yours.

And check out this girl in the picture... why is it that any time there's a picture of someone unpacking boxes in a new place, they have to eat Chinese takeout?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...girl in the picture... why is it that any time there's a picture of someone unpacking boxes in a new place, they have to eat Chinese takeout?"

It's all about the packaging!

Invite me over once settled.


2:08 PM  
Blogger Casey said...

Maybe because most asian rooms don't have much furniture anyway. You sit on the ground around a coffee table. It's perfect!

Have me over, too! Well drink and be merry ... or Mary. Whatever!

5:34 PM  

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