Monday, August 07, 2006

What I've Been Up To This Summer

So somewhere along the line someone stupidly gave me a job influencing the lives of impressionable high school students.

This is what my students and I have been up to this summer. Nothing makes me prouder than seeing my students create and execute opportunities for themselves. yeah, students!

Here's the article about their summer repertory project:

read article here
Just a Thought.

Why do studio heads still allow M. Night Shamalyan to make movies?

Yesterday, I watched Lady in the Water. It fucking sucked.

Like The Village sucked. Like Signs sucked. Like Unbreakable sucked.

So, why does he keep getting to make bad movies?

If he wanted to really recreate the incredible twist ending like the one in The Sixth Sense, he'd surprise us by not making a movie that was stupid.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

There are signs if you look for them...

So (while this may be hard to believe for some of you) most people don't know, upon meeting me, that I am a gay guy. I general, I find that I "pass" pretty well in the world.

But if you're observant, every so often there are signs. Little flashes of fabulousness, that peek out.

Like this picture, captured by a student of mine, at the play we're doing.

Yep. Gay.