Tuesday, October 17, 2006


The first guy I ever kissed was named Brian. (now calm down everyone who knows me, it's not THAT Brian.)

Brian was this guy I met out one night back in the days when I was an avid clubber. Anyway, he asked me to dance, and it was the first time a boy ever asked me to dance, so I danced with him. Then a slow song. Pearl Jam's Black. At the end of the song, he kissed me.

This did not turn into a relationship. Brian worked at the makeup counter at Masion Blanche (a high end department store which no longer exists), and he didn't really have anything interesting to say once the song finished. But he was cute (although his hair was bleached blonde, ick), and it was the first time I'd ever been scouted out.

Not long after that, I'd meet another guy on a night out, Guy David, and he'd end up being my first boyfriend. We didn't date for long, but he's still a really important person to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah Guy David!

11:18 AM  

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