Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fact of the Day

I'm taking a cue from a friend's livejournal and giving me a reason to update my blog every day. My friend started putting a "fact of the day" on his livejournal -- some personal tidbit of information that most people dont know about him. It's informative, interesting, and sometimes frightening -- so I figured, "why not!"

So my first Fact of the Day:

When I watch TV, I tap out patterns on the buttons of the remote control, usually patterns on the numbers. Like 1-3-7-9-1-3-7-9-1-3-7-9 on and on and on. And I'll repeat the pattern over and over and over again the whole time I'm watching TV. Each time I watch TV, the pattern is different, but I have to have the remote in my hand and I have to tap some pattern out on the buttons.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, OCD much?

Although I am looking forward to more blogging from you, I am scared to learn all these facts about you. :)

See ya in a week!

4:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do that too until it bugs me because what I *really* want to do is push the buttons all the way.

So sometimes I just cover the end and do it.


12:53 PM  

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